‘Cause You Blossom Only Once
It’s been satisfyingly guarded
The blossom of which that’s been waited
Fragrance’s scattered with sweet honey
A pure enchantment never be replaced
Envy are the grasses,
Waiting are the grasshoppers and the bees.
My beloved daughter,..!!
Wherever you go, indeed the earth that you step on
will be a witness for you in the Day of Reckoning.
When world temptation and allurement which are
getting heavier day by day will be there in the
future, always remember that you are part of the
community of noble creature created to be khalifah
on the earth. You are an inhabitant of the universe
who’s inappropriate to act evil after the great
entrustment that has been put upon you. Even
mountains could not bear this great entrustment.
‘Cause Your Blossom’s Only Once
Love letter to my beloved daughter
“Truly,We did offer Al-Amanah (the trust or moral
responsibility or honesty and all the duties which
Allah has ordained) to the heavens and the earth,
and the mountains, but they declined to bear it and
were afraid of it (i.e. afraid of Allahs Torment). But
man bore it. Verily, he was unjust (to himself) and
ignorant (of its results). “ (Al-Ahzab [33] : 72)
Nevertheless, Allah will not let you off without
sufficient provision. Allah bestow upon mankind
on earth advantages that if they are used in
accordance to His divine legislation, then this big
entrusment could be done well.
Indeed, there’s no doubt that every human being is
created in the best creation. Put that in your mind
that you are born as a perfect creature. Listen to the
assurance of Allah Himself, how perfect the shape
of creature called human being, as Allah says:
“Verily, We created man of the best stature
(mould),” (QS At-Tin [95] : 4)
Not to mention the blessing of intelect which He
gave to human being to differ and choose for the
truth as well as intelect as a marked difference from
other creature. Islam as your guidance has called to
each individual to use their mind and intelect in
order to be the noblest creature before Him.
Allah says: “Those who remember Allah (always, and in
prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their
sides, and think deeply about the creation of the
heavens and the earth, (saying): "Our Lord! You
have not created (all) this without purpose,” (QS Al-
Imran [3] : 191)
In your life journey, you will find various allurement
and deceit of syaithan who never rest in trying to
tempt you. They will never give up getting what they
want. In this corrupted society, it is proper for you
to be involved in correction effort.
No matter how difficult it is to face obstacle and
temptation that you will deal later in your life
journey, He will grant convenience and safety for
His servant. He also had given guidance through His Messengers and Prophets as the way out on every
problem happening in every period of time. The
guidance is known as religion.
Verily Allah reveals His devine legislation to safeguard and
Verily Allah reveals His devine legislation to safeguard and
protect mankind so that they are safe from a deep
misery and difficulties not the other way around. “We have not sent down the Quran unto you (O
Muhammad ) to cause you distress, But only as a
Reminder to those who fear (Allah).” (QS Thahaa [20] : 2-3)
Therefore, O my daughter, go back to The Qur’an
and Al hadith of The Mesenger of Allah , study it,
reflect on it, and act on in seadfastedly...
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